Can a normal person go to space?



Can a normal person go to space?


Can a normal person go to space? I'm not talking about the astronauts that travel from Earth, get put into orbit, and then spend all day walking around the International Space Station (ISS). I'm also not referring to explorers who have gone to the edge of space, ventured a little further away from our planet, or even dared walk on the moon. But what if I told you there was yet another kind of space adventure available to civilians?

Curious about the possibility of a normal human going to space? Well, if you're reading this article it is not just a possibility – it's actually happening with the help of NASA. But don't worry! I won't be telling you what to think (although if you want to check out some opinions on space travel we've got those too). Instead, this article will answer those questions: Is space travel real? And if so, how can you get involved?

Can a normal person go to space?

No, not even if you are a normal person. You need to be a NASA astronaut or an engineer in order to go into space.

But there are some people who are more than just normal: they’re astronauts! These people have been trained to perform certain tasks in space and are ready to take on any challenge that comes their way.

Some of the most famous astronauts in history include Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Alan Shepard.

There are many people who have the desire to become astronauts. Some of them are already in space, but many others still need to wait for their turn to go. Nowadays there are people who are trying to get into the Space Station but they need to wait until 2020 when the ISS will be closed for renovations and re-purposing.

There is also something called "the International Space Station." It was built and launched by Russia, the United States, and several other countries, including China. The ISS is an orbiting laboratory that has been continuously occupied by astronauts since November 2000. It's a place where we live and work on Earth's natural satellites in space.

The ISS was designed as a research facility that could be used for all kinds of experiments on living organisms in zero gravity conditions -- things like growing crops in space or doing human health tests on crew members' human gene sequences inside outer space without any protection from cosmic radiation or extreme temperatures below freezing point (0°C).

I think it is possible to go to space. The question is, could you survive it?

I'm not talking about the space shuttle or anything like that; I mean something much more extreme than that. I'm not talking about going into orbit, or even just flying around in a capsule for a few hours, but instead going into space for a long time. Like years, maybe decades. If you can survive that, then I think you can go to space.

Here are some of the things you would have to do:

You'd have to be really fit and healthy. You'd have to eat well and exercise regularly (at least as much as people do on Earth). You'd need a good amount of money saved up as well so that if things went wrong (which they probably will), you wouldn't be stranded in space forever.

You'd also have to learn how to live off-planet because if something goes wrong and your spaceship crashes while you're still in orbit, then you're going to die pretty quickly and painfully.


Yes, you can go to space. In fact, there are many people who have already been to space, but contrary to common belief, they're not all astronauts—or even military pilots. There's a significant opportunity for the average person to get into space in the near future, and it's not anything like what you might think. It's time to dispel some myths and set the record straight.


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